In this quick guide, we provide you some essential information about the quick service restaurants aboard the Disney Wonder. We’ll start with Cabanas—the largest and main quick service option on the ship—before discussing the other, smaller options.
About This Quick guide
This quick guide is meant to give a simple, straightforward overview of the quick service dining options aboard the Disney Wonder cruise ship. It supplements our lengthy Disney Wonder Alaskan Cruise Trip Report.
This post does not cover table service dining, which we talk about in a different quick guide. Keep in mind that things like operating hours and menus will vary, even day-by-day during your cruise.
Cabanas Restaurant on the Disney Wonder
Cabanas is the main quick service restaurant on the Disney Wonder, though there are a few smaller spots we’ll cover next. Cabanas is set up as a buffet and typically serves breakfast and lunch. Unfortunately, Cabanas does not serve dinner, as most guests partake in rotational dining. For quick service dinner, you’ll have to use the smaller spots mentioned below, or order room service.
Cabanas generally has a wide selection. As vegetarians (not vegan), we felt like between breakfast at Cabanas and lunch at Cabanas and the other quick service spots, we had just started to run out of options at the end of the cruise. I imagine meat-eaters should be fine for a seven-night journey, but if you’re at all picky you might find yourself short on new options toward the end.
Here’s a look at some breakfast food:
Unfortunately I’m not responsible enough to have grabbed lunch photos, but it’s basic lunch fare (meats, pastas, pizzas). Here’s a photo of some Cabanas food from the Disney Dream, in case you don’t know what lunch looks like (and in all seriousness, sorry, but you can use Google I’m sure to find some reviews with more lunch photos):
Some Cabanas lunch on the Disney DREAM
I’ve also always found Cabanas to have adequate seating.
The biggest downside to Cabanas is its wonky hours. Lunch didn’t start until 11:45AM some days, and I already mentioned that they don’t serve dinner. Our one reader knows that I’m a huge stickler for good quick service food, and I just don’t understand how Disney can’t find a way to justify keeping Cabanas open all day.
Even if it had a more limited menu, I’d appreciate not having to cobble together a meal from the smaller spots and find a seat on the deck anytime I’m outside Cabanas hours.
This would be somewhat alleviated if the other quick service restaurants didn’t also have spotty hours. While you can pretty much always find something (if nothing else, room service is 24 hours), it’s a bit frustrating to have to always be minding the hours of four different restaurants just to put a meal together.
Other Quick Service Restaurants on the Disney Wonder
There are three other quick service restaurants aboard the Disney Wonder. These are all walk-up windows, and you’ll be left to find seating generally on the deck. They’re all located on Deck 9. For more information on navigating the ship, check out our deck-by-deck breakdown of the Disney Wonder.
Daisy’s De-Lites is a deli-style spot with sandwiches, salads, fruit, and veggies. Typical hours were something like 10:30AM to 6PM. It’s located on Deck 9, Aft, just outside Cabanas.
Pinocchio’s serves pizza on Deck 9, Midship, on the side of the main pool (Goofy’s Pool). Typical hours were something like 10:30AM to 6PM, but it was also usually open late night from 9:30PM to 11PM.
Pete’s Boiler Bites served things like burgers, hot dogs, schwarma, and chicken tenders. It’s on Deck 9, Aft, on the other side of the funnel that Pinocchio’s is on (they share a kitchen). Typical hours were something like 10:30AM to 10PM.
Pete’s had a plant-based option available every day. Pinocchio’s had a plant-based option available sometimes, and always had plain cheese, too. I’ve seen on other ships that plant-based pizza was always available made-to-order, and it’s possible that’s the case at Pinocchio’s as well.
It’s pretty easy to cobble together a lunch from these spots, and they’re all pretty close on Deck 9. You can see from the schedule that dinner is trickier, you’ll probably only have one of the spots open during that time. Because, again, Disney really expects you to be in their regular dining rooms for dinner.
There are also four more spots you should know about…
Cove Cafe is the onboard coffee shop. It has coffee (complimentary drip, paid premium options) and complimentary pastries. It’s located on Deck 9, forward, port, just inside the adults-only section of the deck.
Two spots are between Pinocchio’s and Pete’s, on the starboard side. Sulley’s Sips (Deck 9, midship, starboard) serves alcohol (additional cost) and smoothies (additional cost). Next to it is Eye Scream, where you’ll find complimentary soft service.
Crown & Fin Pub (Deck 3, forward) has a limited, additional-cost “Pub Grub” menu.
Finally, room service is an option. There is a complimentary room service menu available 24 hours (you can google to find different reports on it).